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Changing Habits: A Shared Post

January is often the time when we think about new resolutions: "This year I'll really stop doing ____" or "Starting next week, I'm going to the gym... and not just once... I'll go once a week this year." Summer, on the other hand, is a time (if we're lucky) for some vacation, R&R, or at least to enjoy the sunny weather on our lunch breaks and weekends. If it's a time in your year when the pace is a little more laid back, it can be a great time to consider changing some habits.

I don't suggest changing something out of guilt or obligation. Rather, ask yourself what small changes might be a nice addition to your day or week. To this end, I wanted to share a post written by my colleague and coauthor Carolyn Daitch. She discusses how habits become embedded and how we can change them (spoiler alert: she offers some tips from our newest book). Click here to read on!

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